Statice looks great in the garden and in the vase. Learn how to grow statice from seed to bloom, and add this unique flower to your garden.

Statice blooms make great cut flowers.The stems are thick and long, and give the bouquets a good structural base.

Statice plants come in a variety of colors, and are very long lasting. They can be used fresh or dried, and maintain their color.

Statice is the common name for the species  Limonium sinuatum.The plant is also known as wavyleaf sea lavender, sea lavender, and marsh rosemary.

Statice hails from the Mediterranean, and is a heat and sun loving plant. It is a short lived perennial in warmer zones, however is most often planted as an annual flower.

Statice seeds are small, oblong, and brown. The seeds look similar to tiny pieces of rice however they are much smaller, at less than a half a centimetre in length.

Statice is easy to grow from seed, and the seeds  can be planted early indoors, to give them a head start on the growing season.

Statice benefits from some light and bottom heat during the germination process. Keep the soil moist until germination occurs.

Place under grow lights when seedlings have germinated.The lights provide seedlings with their light requirement until they can be planted outside.

Plant outside into the garden when the risk of frost has passed. Make sure to harden off first before planting out.

Plant into a full sun location into well-drained fertile soil. The plant is drought tolerant once established in the garden.

There is no need to pinch statice, as it will not benefit from this process. Pinching in fact may cause some deformity in the plant, so is best to avoid.

If statice is harvested when the blooms are immature, such as in this photo,  they are at risk for wilting.

Harvest statice blooms when white petals are visible on the bloom. In this mature stage, the blooms will be less at risk for wilting.

For more information, see the tutorial!