Strawflowers make exceptional dried flowers. Learn how to dry strawflowers, and preserve these popular everlastings, to use in floral arrangements and crafting.

Their attractive daisy-like flowers are dry and straw-like, even in their fresh state.

There are a variety of colors to choose from. The flower colors range from white, pink, apricot, orange, yellow and red flower varieties.

Strawflowers can be grown in the flower garden just for their beauty. They can also be grown in the cutting garden, to use throughout the season as cut flowers.

Strawflower blooms are excellent for drying. The petals, which are actually bracts, are already papery and brittle, even in the fresh state.

One important consideration to know about strawflowers is that that the flowers will continue to open, even after they are harvested for drying.

If harvested in a too mature stage, the final dried flower may have a muddy brown center disc, with petals that are bent backwards.

Harvest strawflowers for drying when the first two sets of bracts have opened. This is an early stage, but perfect for dried flowers.

The blooms will continue to open for several more layers after harvest. However if picked at the right stage, the centers are likely to remain mostly closed in the final product.

For more important considerations on drying strawflowers, check out the post in the link below!