Learn how to save cosmos seeds to grow these cottage garden plants in your garden year after year.


Saving cosmos seeds is an easy and economical way to preserve the seeds of this sweet romantic flower, to plant in your garden next season.


Cosmos blooms are airy and ethereal, and always a pleasure to grow. The leaves are lacy and fine and soft to the touch.


Saving cosmos seeds helps to save on some costs for future crops, however it is much more than just that.


If you harvest flower seeds and save your seed from year to year, over time the seeds will become more hardy and adapted to your garden space.


Cosmos are some of the easiest flowers from which to save seed.We harvest and save cosmos seeds after every growing season, and plant them out again the following spring.


Cosmos seeds are located in the centre disc of the flower. Seeds will form on the flower if pollinators fertilize the tiny florets growing within the bloom.


The seeds are contained within the dried centre disc at maturity. Mature seeds will easily fall out of the seed head at the slightest touch.


Harvest cosmos seed at the end of the growing season, when the seed heads have matured, and the seeds become loose and begin to fall away from the pods.


Removing the seeds from the cosmos seed head is extremely easy, because the seeds are right there, mixed in with a bit of chaff.


When the seeds are fully ripe, just brushing the seed pod with your finger will dislodge the seeds from the seed head.


Cosmos seeds are light beige or brown in color, and are elongated with a narrowing at each end.The seeds measure approximately 5 to 6 mm in length.


Cosmos seeds can be stored in paper envelopes or Kraft bags, which will help to keep them dry.


Saving cosmos seeds is a great way to perpetuate these beautiful flowers in your garden year after year.


For more information, see the tutorial!