Learn how to grow lilacs from cuttings, and propagate this aromatic plant to grow throughout your yard and garden.


Growing lilacs from softwood cuttings is an excellent choice for making new lilac plants.


If you are planning to plant many lilacs for hedging, what better way to grow multiple plants than to grow them from cuttings.


The key to success with lilac cuttings is to perform this type of propagation at just the right time.


The new shoots in spring are called softwood cuttings, and will root a bit quicker than hardwood cuttings, with a greater chance of success.


The best time to take lilac stem cuttings is in the springtime, when the new growth at the tips of the branches is still fresh and green.


You will have the best rooting success if cuttings are taken from these new green terminal shoots.


This is about the time when the blooms are bursting with blossoms, and just opening to reveal their magnificent fragrance.


Place the stems into a clean glass of water until you are ready to prepare them for planting.


Remove leaves from the sides of the stems, and dip the cut ends into rooting hormone, allowing the hormone to come into contact with the leaf nodes.


Plant into containers with good drainage, filled with a good sterile growing medium. Firm the soil around the base of the cuttings.


Use of a humidity dome will increase the success of rooting. Mist regularly to maintain a humid environment during the rooting process.


Here are some lilac cuttings with successful rooting, showing lots of new growth three months after planting.


It will take a few years for these tiny plants to mature, however the cost savings is definitely a benefit.


Lilacs grown from cuttings will be clones of the parent plant, and are a great way to perpetuate your favorite lilac bush.


For more information see the tutorial!